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Imagine a War…

The Unseen War


Imagine a war…

Where the instigator of that war, has no need for bullets and bombs.
Where the instigator of that war, uses only psychological methods.

Where most of its opponents, never even know that they are at war.


Imagine a war…

Where the instigator, declares the war unwittingly (or at best occultly) to its opponents.
Where the instigator, appoints an invisible enemy.

Where its opponents, volunteer to fight this invisible enemy.
While in reality, the opponents are fighting themselves.


Imagine a war…

Where the instigator, has created all the (controlled) opposition, so that those who see through the lies, stand down while waiting for their (controlled opposition) heroes to fight back.


Imagine a war…

Where the instigator, has so successfully demoralized the majority of its opponents, that anyone who still sees through these falsehoods, will be added as an enemy, by the very people they are seeking to help.


Imagine a war…

Where the instigator manages to convince its targets, to walk themselves to the slaughterhouse…


Nahhhh, that could never happen!


– by Roald Boom

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