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Absolute & Relative



Most people can’t perceive the Absolute.
Their current intelligence simply isn’t up to the task.


They perceive through their senses, through their mind, and through the remnants of any intuitive intelligence that’s still left.


But that’s all relative, meaning that’s all relating to existence.
The word ‘Existence’ comes from the Latin word ‘Existere’, meaning ‘to stand out’ or ‘come into being.’


But the Absolute, does not exist.
The Absolute, does not stand out from any-thing.


Only things, stand out from the Absolute…
Existence is what stands out from the Absolute.


The Absolute just IS.
It does not exist.


In modern terms, it’s more apt to call the Absolute: ‘the quantum field of pure potentiality.’


Mainstream science operates well below average intelligence, and represents the current religion pervading all cultures in the world.
For truth, we never turn to religions, because by its very definition, ‘to believe’, means ‘not to know’, ‘nor want to know’.


Luckily, there still are some people left, intelligent enough, with an urge to know.


Amongst them, are the quantum scientists and the Gnostics.


‘Science’ comes from the word ‘scientia’, meaning: “Knowledge based on demonstrable and reproducible data”, and ‘Gnosis’ means “Spiritual knowledge.”


But we’ve seen that the average scientist has missed the mark, and only a few real scientist are left.
These real scientist, can be found mainly in the fields pertaining to quantum science.


It is when we combine these two kinds of knowledge, quantum science and Gnosticism, that a realistic comprehension of our Universe becomes palatable for the relatively few sane, meaning those who are still honest enough to be willing and able to cast off all their current knowledge, if that results in a more accurate perception of the Universe.


These now almost extinct kind of humans, can be called the ‘quantum humans’ and (despite what Marvel, DC and the rest of Hollywood promote as “superheroes”) are the real superheroes that the world needs.


The quantum human, is one who uses his quantum capabilities to breaks through the thick walls of concretized social, religious and scientific dogmas, that stand between them and real truth.


The quantum human, is one who sees through the solidified idiocracy and insane conditioning of the herd mentality.


The quantum human, is one who is capable of standing alone (if needed) and take the criticism of the superficial pshychotronically mind controlled sims and black magic indoctrinated drones.


The quantum human, is one who stands untouched by the slander and false accusations of being a conspiracy theorist or other such meaningless terms, casted out by those zombies incapable of minor research and lacking the capacity of cognitive reasoning.


The quantum human, is one who preservers through these unjust onslaughts, in a time where sanity, morality, justice, honor, nobility and truth are more endangered, than the flora and fauna of the planet.
(and the very reason why these are endangered)


The quantum human, is one who takes the ‘path less travelled’, despite the false safety that the sheeple presume they have found in the mindless numbers.


The quantum human, is one who is ready and willing to make the changes that are needed to bring the balance back, by implementing quantum psycho-spiritual technologies and make the necessary quantum leaps, that are now an imperative at both the micro and macro level.


The world does not need more egoic millionaires, nor more famous frustrated singers, nor more mundane Holly(silly)wood actors, or more ridiculously superficial social media stars.


What the world needs more than ever, are quantum humans.


The quantum human, is a human on a fast track, from the (distraught) Relative, to the (inherently blissful) ABSOLUTE…




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