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Outside the Gates of Heaven

I haven’t been that active on Facebook nor YouTube for many months.


From what I can see, there is an acidity that is building up in oneself and all of those who are unable to move into the next level of consciousness.


I know this firsthand as well and it is a transcendental bind, that only gets worse when the same (mental) escape techniques are implemented!


When one refuse to move from the mental realm of understanding, into the heart realm of Being, one starts to get angrier and angrier at the external world.


Really, what one is getting frustrated with, is one’s own lack of integrity, one’s own lack of courage to leave the old and dying world behind.


One subconsciously (and some of us even consciously) know that the real pioneers, are able to transcend from mind to Being, and that only those are the ones that have the capacity to re-dream this nightmarish world we currently live in, and metamorphose the hell-realm into a true paradise.


Instead of making the move permanently, one remains in the lower realms of thinking, complaining and blaming everyone else around us.
This is of course excused, by the very parasitic possession that has caused the hell-realm to begin with, by pretending that one has to remain outside the gates of heaven, because one claims to be the one that needs to remain just outside the gates, so one can wake up the ‘others,’ “who are still asleep” and point out all their flaws and their ignorance.


All the while, the fragrance of eternity (bliss, joy, peace, harmony) is strong just outside the gates of heaven and one can sense the true glory that lies inside this transcended realm.
But one refuses to make the shift and instead one remains just outside the gates of heaven, where the stench of the sick world becomes more and more unbearable, while standing just inches outside the gates of heaven.


…as one starts to hate the world…
…as one starts to hate the people…
…as one finds the culprits for one’s hatred in others…
…as the poisonous acidity eats away…
…as one refuse to make the shift…
…truly, really, completely, whole heartedly and fully…


by Roald Boom



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