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Te Kore

Maori proverb: “My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul”


Humanity is facing a transformational imperative, with seemingly insurmountable global issues that are threatening the continued existence of our incredible planet and its ecosystems.


Einstein said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”


I’d rather say, “We can’t solve problems by using the same level of consciousness from where we created them.”


Therefore, it is my bold endeavor to re-introduce a long forgotten psycho-spiritual technology to the people of this world, and to do so, in a way that is practical, palatable and applicable globally, to minds and hearts of our modern scientific societies, in order to accelerate solving the global issues that we face.


In order for me to explain this psycho-spiritual technology, I’d like to make use of ancient Maori wisdom:

Te Kore
Te Po
Te Ao-marama

The Maori have their own creation myth, and according to the Maori, in the beginning there was the state of emptiness, the void or pure potentiality.


This state is called Te Kore.


Into that emptiness appeared two gods, one male god (of the sky) named Ranginui, and one female god (of the earth) named Papatuanuku.


Rangi and Papa were close together and created six god-children:
Tawhiri (the god of weather),
Rongo (the god of crops),
Tu  (the god of war),
Tangaroa (the god of the sea),
Tane (the god of the forests),
Haumia (the god of plants).


According to the Maori myth, these god-children wanted more space for themselves to live in, because their parents were so close together.
So, they set in motion a plan to separate Rangi from Papa.
Their rebellion was successful, but motives relating to power, control, jealously and anger arose amongst them, and fighting ensued amongst the god-children.


Science has a similar creation myth, called the Big Bang, where in the beginning there was a singularity that exploded into infinity.


The Genesis creation myth has Yahweh, who creates Adam and Eve, who then, through their hubris, fell from the garden and multiplied into infinity.


The Greek mythologies described the Universe’s journey from Nothingness, to Being.


The Aborigine, the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures and those of many more cultures, all describe our universe in similar ways.


In Quantum theory it is stipulated that, there is a quantum field of pure potentiality, from which springs a wave-particle duality. Here waves turn into particles, caused by the presence of an observer. It is this flip-flopping, from waves to particles and back, that explains the nature and behavior of energy on the atomic and sub-atomic level and explains the formation of all matter.


What I am suggesting is that the Maori myth is not fiction, not fantasy, not religion, but like the essence of all creation myths of all cultures, including our modern sciences, it is a description of the actual energetic universe we live in.


The universe is essentially an energy construct, that consists of a simultaneous top down trinity: a singularity, a duality and a multiplicity.


The Singularity: is Te Kore, the unconscious mind, the harmonious emptiness, the still void, the quantum field of pure potentiality, and is a state of pure pristine harmony and order.


The Duality: are Rangi & Papa, the sub-conscious mind, the interrelated opposites (up-down, small-big, day-night, etc..), and is a state of dual, yet balanced manifestation.


The Multiplicity: are the god-children, the conscious mind, from which the range of infinite multiplicity springs forth, and is a state of infinitely expanding complexity.


The further away we get from Te Kore, the weaker the bond with our source (the singularity or quantum field). The result is increasing disruption and chaos.


What I am suggesting, is that unlike the animals and plants of our natural ecosystems, humanity has veered so far away from Te Kore, into multiplicity, that we have practically lost all conscious connection to Te Kore, our unifying source consciousness.


Most humans spend their daily waking hours, fully and exclusively focused on the manifested realm of multiplicity. Without sufficient attention on the higher states of consciousness, their inherent values have started to fade from our existence.


We know that we have to give the physical body good food and regular exercise to be healthy. We also know, that we have to train the mind from a young age to stimulate our mental intelligence.
But we have ignored the existence of the higher states of consciousness and these higher realms have atrophied.
Due to this atrophied state of affairs, we are now facing a transformational imperative, with all the seemingly insurmountable global issues that are threatening the continued existence of our incredible planet and its ecosystems.


It must be noted that all creative genius springs from the unified quantum field, even if most the artists and geniuses are unknowingly tapping into it, and all the ancient cultures all have their myths based in this inherent truth.
But this gnostic knowledge has been watered down into intellectual levels, into belief and religion.
The data stream of linguistic formulation of the intellectual materialistic mind works at such an extremely slow speed or oscillation, compared to the oscillation of the quantum field, that this turns these gnostic quantum principles, into powerless concepts.


So now, to most of humanity, the state of pure potentiality, simply does… not…. exist.
They can’t see, hear, taste or smell the state of Te Kore, nor can most really cognize such principles.
Without a proper re-introduction and structural social support, the Te Kore quantum field remains a fantasy, a theory, a religion, nothing more than a philosophy.


But, this psycho-spiritual technology does not work as dinner talk, or as an intellectual philosophy, but it must be applied practically.
In the same way as talking about going to the gym does not change your health, but only doing the exercises delivers the results.


This psycho-spiritual technology can no longer remain in the realm of philosophy and religion, nor stay sidetracked as an airy fairy new age hippie idea, but must reemerge, in innovative forms, that are palatable to the people of these times.


So how do we bridge this gap?
How do we make this quantum leap?


Well, simply by redirecting our attention back into the singularity, because “where attention goes, energy flows…”


The practical application of this psycho-spiritual technology works similar to dropping a handful of metal chards onto a magnet, which then automatically organizes the chards into a polarized magnetic configuration.
In the same way, by focusing our attention on the primordial state of Te Kore, all the problems that we face in the third layer of multiplicity, will automatically organize themselves into a harmonic balance of interconnected order. It’s simply a law of nature.


Like with most physical injuries, a period of rest is needed to allow the injuries to heal.
The same applies to the injuries the intellectual materialistic mind has inflicted on the human psyche, and as a result, on our natural ecosystems.


The multiplicity consciousness must be allowed to rest, to give space for the higher states of consciousness to restore harmony.
I call this “Quantum Resting.”


We must trust the natural ecosystems and allow them to serve as our examples for modelling lasting holistic approaches, by weaving ancient and emerging technologies, into cutting edge perspectives, and create resilient and sustainable models for deep and lasting change.


Like I said before: “We can’t solve problems by using the same level of consciousness from where we created them,” and the level of consciousness we call the intellectual mind, can’t solve the problems it created.


It is now an imperative, that a critical mass of humans on this earth, make this transformational quantum leap, from the slow mental data consciousness of multiplicity, into faster quantum oscillations, by regularly and intentionally tapping into the quantum field consciousness – the Te Kore singularity.


Maori proverb:  “Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows fall behind you.”


It is my purpose, to assist in solving some of humanities greatest challenges and to help re-invent, package and promote, practical, intelligible, regenerative and globally accessible products, that encourage, motivate and educate, children, students, entrepreneurs and people from all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds, to re-connect with our Te Kore quantum source.


It is my wish to connect, share, hear other visions, find opportunities, collaborate and co-create with other fellows in fields such as: education, technology, big business and government, in order to execute the bold vision of inventing and stimulating, educational tools, (such as apps, interactive programs) and other effective ways to communicate this essential ancient wisdom, and to convey the harmonizing benefits that the Te Kore state brings, and to implement practical ways to redirect the flow of our attention, onto our source, and cause systemic global ripples that accelerate the physical, mental en spiritual restoration and reunification of our multidimensional eco-systems.


The key to this essential quantum leap is the people…
It’s the people, it’s the people, it’s the people…


Like the Maori proverb says: “My strength is not that of an individual, but that of the collective.”


Te Ao-marama
Te Po

Te Kore


by Roald Boom




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