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The Infected Computing Machine…


Once upon a timelessness…


There was a harmonic simulation,
made from wave vibrations,
the sims seemed to live in peace,
but they invented a computing device,
that everyone thought was nice,


and before not so long,
every sim had their own,
and carried them around everywhere,
not just at home,
then they connected their devices,
like threads in one giant web,


but an energetic parasite found its way in,
and infected all the devices therein,
and soon every program was corrupted,
and the simulation started to fall apart at the seams,


the sims had grown so attached to their computing devices,
that when they tried to fix the corrupted files,
they kept trying to do so using those same devices,
and every solution that they now had,
came with the inherently infected software,

they toiled in endless debate,
into spirals of increasing hate,
incapable of separating from what they were fundamentally not,
unable to stop the rot,
so close they had become,
almost inseparable from the parasite itself,


And soon,

Every solution included this ONE THING,


Don’t kill the parasite within…



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