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The Big Heist


I was confronted again today about crypto currencies and this inevitably led to the subject of currency heists.
Cryptos may be an attempt to circumvent the current fraudelent fractional reserve money heist – a legal fiction…


However, besides the currency heists, we also have, amongst others, the medical and pharmaceutical heists, the food heists, the educational heists (better known as indoctrination), the media heists (including false flags), the scientific heists (science: the current religion), the religious heists and the political heists.


The one Big Heist that tops them all (and is really the source for all above mentioned heists) is the Identity Heist, where 99.9% of the population is thoroughly convinced that they are a person.
They identify with the body-mind and think that they ‘sprung’ from a baby body-mind-brain and live as a person and in and limited physical world, on a planet called Earth.

They get obsessed with memory which is implicit in this big heist and inevitably fall for the time-heist.

Once identified with the big heist, and obsessed with form, the sheeple buy multiple layers of these deceptive constructs ‘hook, line and sinker’, trapping them for hundreds (if not thousands of lifetimes) in an advanced spiritual slavery system, that wipes their memory at each death cycle and re-wraps their spirit essence into another construct of carefully designed veils for another cycle in this holographic simulation.


All the while their inter-dimensional overlords siphon off 90% of their true spirit power.

For thousands of years, we’ve allowed these foreign inter-dimensional parasites to manipulate our organic consciousness to the point where we live in an artificial paradigm, which is our (not so) golden cage. We are now not only the caretakers of our own prison, but we will defend this prison as “the normal way of life.”


When confronted with just the tippedy tip of the iceberg, most humans say “what can I do” or “it’s never been any different” or “I don’t wanna think of those things, that’s so depressing” or look at you glazed eyed like a zombie as if you are from another world.


In our superficial understanding of the universe, we blame individuals, such as presidents, governments, dictators or hitler, all the while missing the larger context of the hidden forces behind the facades and their true intentions that lay behind our social and familial constructs.

So called grown up men and woman engage in social constructs that are as laughable as the belief that Santa exists and crawls down chimneys to bring us gifts.

Hundreds of thousands of humans each day, go to sport games across the planet, with painted faces and silly team shirts. Their screaming, howling, cheering and crying over arbitrary and imaginary constructs, is evidence of the insanity that now prevails worldwide.

These hidden parasitic entities, drip feed us their modifications at a slow rate, almost unperceptively molding our organic consciousness into an ever tightening web trap of their design.


Our physical or mental environments have now been polluted, poisoned and modified in such a way, that the parasitic consciousness controls our every action, while it thrives in and off of the altered and deprived environments.


Our spiritual gnosis is all but gone.

The mystics are laughed at and the wise men scolded, while the greedy, the lustful and the vain are praised, venerated and idolized.
Those with good intent, true wisdom and compassion are not considered valuable or productive members of society, nor are they supported in their endeavors to heal, restore, care and bring harmony to all.

At the same time, most of the rich and famous have made  their ‘fortune’ at the expense of the fellow men, women, children and the environment.

The shortsightedness of the common man and his short term selfish ‘gains’ acquired by siding with the parasitic agenda, is a devious ploy that has now engulfed all but a small minority. The price we may soon come to pay is death of the host, our very mother, while the parasite moves on to its next victim in the infinite energetic universe.

Like I heard someone say some days ago: “Welcome to planet Earth, where the asylum is run by its patients.”


But hey, it’s probably all a cosmic joke, so keep the conversations positive and constructive………..and remember, we shape our reality with our intent, so keep the attention on the good, the right, the true…….keep focused on justice, harmony, love, compassion, caring, joy, bliss and all that is the organically right and true.

Or have these terms been stripped to mere language and modified beyond recognition?

Are there still some who see that TRUTH is not Philosophy?




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