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Lucifer… the brightest

Here is a different take on Lucifer and why he is called the brightest angel of them all.


When you look into the dark night sky, what catches your eye?
Usually, the brightest star…
When you are in a restaurant, and someone drop a glass, what catches your attention?
That loudest of sounds, of the shattering glass…


Why is this? Why does our attention go to the brightest or loudest?


Well, what if I said that it’s because we’re living in Lucifer’s world?


Lucifer is not an abstract concept or a myth, Lucifer is a description of a realm.


Lucifer’s world is the brightest or easiest of all the worlds to put (and keep) your attention on.
Lucifer is not God’s most harmonic angel, or even his favorite, he is simply that one that grabs our attention the easiest.


There are worlds or dimensions that may be finer, wiser and humbler, worlds full of joy, bliss and wellbeing, but they are more subtle…


In the absence of the formal world, in the silence and stillness of thoughtless presence, subtle and fine energies can be perceived. These energies are good, right and stable, and they never fluctuate.
These subtle energies, don’t come or go, nor do they turn into a polar opposite.


In the stillness of pure awareness without form, there is true peace.


But in this age, there as so few who give preference to these subtler dimensions of harmonic being.
People seem to prefer chaos, disturbance and disharmony.
People can hardly spend a few seconds, without grabbing their phone to see what gross new disturbances have occurred somewhere, even if that’s where they are not.


If there’s nothing happening where they are at, they’re quick to introduce a problem from elsewhere.
People gladly import more things that are not here, from elsewhere, to fill up the silent space of presence, with disharmony.


It seem the silence is intolerable, and many will say this literally. Without any-thing to do, or see or think about, they find life boring…


Why is this?
Why the addiction to the grosser levels of objectivity?


The reason, is that they are addicted Lucifer’s world and the peaceful realms boring…


All the games, movies and endless activities, the busy airports, the crowded cities, and the endless chatter, are all proof that humans are in love with Lucifer’s realm.


“Where attentions goes, energy flows,” and as the world’s attention goes to Lucifer, he is gorging himself with our essence.


Are you feeding Lucifer too?


Be quite, be silent, be still, and know that I am God…


Be stillness and know that pure awareness is Go(o)d…




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