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An Inclusive Economy


We have reached an imperative, that spans the full spectrum of our societal structures…


We can no longer allow the cleptocracy to continue about its merry ways, as if these selfish modalities are tolerable and sustainable.


But why it so hard to change these destructive behavioral patterns?
Is it just bad habits and inertia at work?
Or are we dealing with a far more insidious psycho-social phenomenon?


Well, we’d better find out soon, before it’s too late…


Luckily, it seems that more and more people are seeing through the façade of the systems that lay at the foundation of our society. More people each day, are realizing that the inherent flaws of our sick social constructs, will need to be removed once and for all, if we are to metamorphose into an inclusive economy.


The ways of the selfish and greedy cleptocracy must be overcome, once and for all.


We need enough people, who clearly see a multigenerational path of inclusive stewardship, that incorporates all forms of life.


We need to bundle the creative potential of those who are willing to see past the egoic agendas of the few, and who are willing to contribute to holistic system-focused approaches, that put the tribe of life, before the short term gains of the few.


What we need, is a revolution of love…


But not just any love, we need inclusive love


Too many people have selfish love.
Selfish love is not really love at all, but they mistakenly call it love.
You can’t love selectively and call it love.
You can’t love only your own family, your own friends, your own country, etc…


Real love, is inclusive love…


Love for the trees, the water, the wind, the animals, the ecosystems, etc…


Inclusive love, will even account for the unknown, because inclusive love, excludes the hubris and arrogance to think that one knows it all.


Inclusive love, has a disgust for the old ways of greedy selfishness, while still embodying compassion and forgiveness.


Inclusive love, gives a one-pointed honesty, that empowers one to stand (alone if need be) in a higher truth, a truth that does not yield to injustice, apathy and hypocrisy.


Inclusive love, has authenticity, humility and interconnectedness at its core, and thus cares beyond those components, that only fit one’s own bias.


Inclusive love, values constructive collaboration and discards selfish competition, yet makes clear distinctions between value takers and value exchangers.


Inclusive love, has the capacity to set aside outdated conditioning, giving one the strength, to shed old beliefs and old habits, for a vaster inner-standing of our intelligent cosmos.


Inclusive love, gives one the strength to be bold, fierce and audacious, while remaining authentic and humble.


Inclusive love, may seem like a paradox to those who don’t comprehend the fierce grace that fuels such love, but if we are to co-create an inclusive economy, we’ll need to embody inclusive love…




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