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Another moral fairy tale


Another moral fairy tale – the fairy tale of dressing up…


Recently I was reminded again of how profoundly mistaken certain fairytales can be.


Like the one of dressing up.


This fairy tale, has no basis in reality, yet is believed by the larger part of society.


It is the fairy tale of dressing up, that presumes the superiority of people who are well dressed.


That people who dress in expensive clothes, are somehow ‘better’ than those who dress in simpler clothes.
This is no more real than Santa Claus, yet it is believed in, by almost all societies.


Often, you can feel the sheer arrogance coming off people when they look at a person dressed more casually. The atmosphere is almost tangible, an unmistakable emanation of judgement so palpably real, you can slice it with a blunt knife.


They simply judge you to be less worthy, on the basis of your clothes.


Where does this come from, this concept that “clothes make the man”?


Certainly, wisdom, compassion, self-knowledge should rank higher than clothes.


Anyone can dress up in a matter of minutes, but wisdom, compassion and self-knowledge take real intelligence to acquire.


When we look at the word “dressing up,” you’ll notice the word’s implications, suggesting that the person is dressing UP.
Up, as in higher than he or she really is.


In other words, the person (Latin for “mask”) is pretending to be more than he or she really is.


So they are deliberately presenting themselves as more, than they actually are…


Dress-code is another clear giveaway, and shows it’s a method of coding by clothes: rich, poor and the many levels in between.


Clearly a person who is wealthier and has more money, can afford more expensive clothes, but does that say anything about his or her integrity, honesty or self-knowledge?


Obviously not and most often the contrary…


So why, in this day and age, do we still ‘judge a book by its cover’?


Well, it’s because most people still believe in fairy tales…



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