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Population Reduction

Is human population reduction a ‘bad’ thing?


That is the questions we must seriously pose.


Chickens don’t lay eggs when they’re too many of them in a coup, but when they are reduced in numbers, they will thrive once again.


Humans will reduce populations of deer, wild boar, elephants and almost all farmed animals to bring back a balance in certain (controlled) ecosystems.


In countries like New Zealand, it is promoted to kill any and all possums, as they pose a significant threat to New Zealand’s ecosystems.
This applies to hundreds of our species in many other countries, as well as some cases in the oceans.
The lion fish, is considered one of these, as they are gobbling up most small native fish.


Now most people think that humans are also overpopulated and out of control.


This may well be another socially engineered farce, but to anyone who has been around for a few decades, it must be clear that the average human is (kept) dumb and has little to contribute to the web of life on earth. Most humans lack intelligence, purpose, empathy and are selfish to the bone.


Most people can therefore, truly be considered as useless eaters, simply because, he who does not farm, only kills and eats.


Add consumerism to this equation, and you end up with billions of purposeless NPC’s ravaging the earth and her ‘resources.’


Is that sustainable?
Is that favorable?
Should humans interfere?
Should someone or some group interfere?
Should population reduction be implemented?

They say that in 1950’s, there were around 2.5 billion humans on earth.
Today the say, that number is over 7.5 billion.


Many, if not most people who have at least some functional brain cells left would say, that for the earth, human population reduction would be a good thing.


Yet if you ask them, some of the most capable people, what they are doing to help, reverse or stop overpopulation and the issues this causes, they will have to admit their efforts have had little to no effect.


Sure, the elite may have been hoarding and hiding many of the advanced technologies that could help balance the situation, but neither the intelligent individuals nor the dumbed down masses are making the changes to help turn around the situation.


So, if you and I can’t make a significant impact by making useful changes, then who will?

Well maybe, there is actually a group that has the power, the influence, the capacity and the organizational skills to pull off such a feat?


You may not agree…!
You may question their methods…!
You may fear the consequences…!


But, they’re not asking for our opinion, nor for our approval.


And why should they?
After all, you and I can’t even barely make any needed changes in our own lives, nor influence our own family, friends, peers, or inner circle.


Life is precious, but life forms are not.
If you doubt the latter, then try living as a life form, without killing any other life forms.
Collectively, humans literally kill billions of other life forms each day, as do most animals on earth.


And the human life form, is NOT more valuable than any other life form on earth. Anyone who still thinks it is, has been fooled or is fooling themselves.


So again, is human population reduction a ‘bad’ thing?


That is the questions we must seriously pose.


That they may now be rolling this out in your lifetime, is not a grounded reason that it shouldn’t be done and just shows that you are selfish too.


That you can see what’s going on, while the masses remain willfully ignorant, is also no reason to get angry, as the ignorant may well be better off – NOT knowing.


After all, it’s not like there is a lack of information out there about what’s going on…!
And are you not a proponent of ‘free-will’?


So again, is human population reduction a ‘bad’ thing?


– by Roald Boom

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