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Quantum Resting

The universe is essentially an energy construct, that consists of a simultaneous top down trinity: a singularity, a duality and a multiplicity.

The Singularity: is the harmonious emptiness, the still void, the quantum field of pure potentiality, and is a state of pure pristine harmony and order.

The Duality: are the interrelated opposites (up-down, small-big, day-night, etc..), and is a state of dual, yet balanced manifestation.

The Multiplicity: are the range of infinite multiplicity springs, and is a state of infinitely expanding complexity.


The further away we get from the singularity, the weaker the bond with our source – the quantum field.
The result is increasing disruption and chaos.

What I am suggesting, is that unlike the animals and plants of our natural ecosystems, humanity has veered so far away from the singularity, into multiplicity, that we have practically lost all conscious connection to the singularity, our unifying source consciousness.

Most humans spend their daily waking hours, fully and exclusively focused on the manifested realm of multiplicity.
Without sufficient attention on the higher states of consciousness, their inherent values have started to fade from our existence.

We know that we have to give the physical body good food and regular exercise to be healthy.
We also know, that we have to train the mind from a young age to stimulate our mental intelligence.
But we have ignored the existence of the higher states of consciousness and these higher realms have atrophied.

Due to this atrophied state of affairs, we are now facing a transformational imperative, with all the seemingly insurmountable global issues that are threatening the continued existence of our incredible planet and its ecosystems.


– by Roald Boom




Keep reading these articles, as we will go into ever increasing depths and practical application of psycho-spiritual (quantum) technologies, that facilitate perception shifts, in order to make the imperative evolutionary leaps of consciousness.

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