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Satan’s Suckers

Satan’s Suckers


Most academia, scholars and intellectuals are Satan’s suckers.
These suckers are under a dream spell, and are used as a firewall, to keep knowledge and truth from reaching the masses.


Yes, it’s pretty much all academia, scholars and intellectuals…


They’ve been unwittingly spellbound, but are guilty nonetheless.


Their puppet masters have got them under a spell, and they believe that their ability to march along with the education process, is what made them intelligent.


But the opposite is true.
The fact that they were able to jump through the hoops of education, is actually because they lack the psychological maturity to use logic and reason, and they lack the moral integrity to distinguish falsehoods from truth.


They are no more than regurgitators of spoon-fed dogmas, who proudly revel in their own willful ignorance, wrongly mistaking their socially engineered indoctrinations, for a position of moral and intellectual superiority.

These spellbound creatures dwell in a world that has been carefully constructed by their overlords, using black magic spells.
These devious spells are entrapments specifically designed for these types of suckers, who are thus unwittingly recruited as an army, for the dark forces of the occult.

One may call them ‘Satan’s Suckers’


These suckers are easily won over by simple Pavlovian techniques, as children by scoring high grades in school, a pat on the back, or diplomas for their slavish behavior and as adults with degrees, badges and a comforting financial position.


Their so called “degrees”, even if they have several of them, obviously symbolize their blindness, because they are only able to see a few “degrees” of the full circle.


Their PhD’s literally stand for “doctor of philosophy”, meaning they have been indoctrinated into a specific philosophy, usually by their “professor”, which literally means “one who professes to know, when they do not.”
Their universities are imposing their “uni-verse”, or “one-verse” openly promoting their attempt to cast one spell on their willing victims, by casting the same “verse” on them all.


As opposed to what the suckers think of themselves, to coopt their feeble minds is actually not that difficult of a task.
They’re taught the basics of spelling, without ever being taught that it’s actually magic and they’re never taught the nuances between white and black magic.
This makes these sucker sheeple cast spells upon themselves and reinforce their spell boundedness.


To make them surrender any remaining self-governance over their minds, all that is needed, is to be given some simple positions of moral or financial superiority and to enforce those structures by repetition through the spellbound prostitutes in the in schools, main stream media and other satanic structures of control.


Once on the payroll of their occult slave masters, the suckers will either go along with, or commit unimaginable atrocities.
They will mandate, inforce, poison, arrest and murder anyone who goes against their psychotic delusions.
When confronted with their insane actions, they will prove unable to admit to their erroneous ways.
They remain convinced of their goodness, and no amount of evidence will ever persuade them otherwise.


This is why it is wise “to never argue with stupid (spellbound) people, as they will drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.”

The scary part, is that these intellectually spellbound suckers, are now in most positions of authority worldwide.
Even scarier, is that the masses, (who are even less intelligent than these robotic scholars in authoritative positions) are also spellbound and are hypnotic followers of these suckers.
Both are devoid of real knowledge and all of them, with broken moral compasses.


As Socrates indicated: “If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses” and it makes blind belief in authority, the greatest enemy of truth.


Yes, Satan’s suckers are the ones imposing the tyranny…


The false positions of authority that these spellbound suckers occupy, is now the biggest threat to the spiritual freedom of humanity and to the true harmony of life on earth.


From this, it can clearly be seen, that these academia, scholars and intellectuals have been recruited to defend the false, corrupt and malevolent agenda of the selfish dark magicians, and that these deeply indoctrinated suckers, have been turned into a dangerous army of spellbound mercenaries, who are blindly obedient to the absurd and destructive hypnotic orders of their occult overlords.


It’s thus an absolute imperative, that the dream spell they are under, is broken, once and for all…


– by Roald Boom

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