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The Perception Shift Imperative


We are facing a perception shift imperative.
Without this perception shift, it’s unlikely we’ll survive…


In a world where vices are seen as virtues,
It’s unlikely we’ll survive…


In a world where evildoing is praised,
It’s unlikely we’ll survive…


If you think a fish is drowning and help it onto shore…
It’s unlikely he’ll survive…


If you pour water on a pan-fire…
It’s unlikely your house will survive…


If you help the crops grow, by pulling them up by the stalk…
It’s unlikely they’ll survive…


If you clean your laptop, by throwing in in the laundry machine…
It’s unlikely it’ll survive…


In a world where up is down and back is front,
It’s unlikely we’ll survive…


We are facing a perception shift imperative.
Without this perception shift, it’s unlikely we’ll survive…





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