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Time is an effect, not reality.


In fact, in Reality (in Eternity), there is no time – there is no past and no future.


There is only Now, one single Eternal moment – the Eternal Now.


Within this grand Eternity, within this ever-present moment, our relative existence contains several functions. One of which is Mind with its sub-function – Memory.


Memory effectuates the appearance (or illusion) of time.


Through the function of mind and memory, differences between events in eternity are perceived, giving rise to the concept of time.


In other words, memory is a function that tracks objective changes.


Mind-Memory-Time is the Relativity and Eternity is the Reality.
Reality is (first), time comes (second). (as an effect of memory)


There is no time in Reality. There is only time in relativity, since relativity is not an absolute.


The error is to subject Reality to the lower relative function of memory and erroneously impose time upon Reality (the Eternal Now) and, in doing so, mistakenly suggest that Reality-Eternity-Now is moving through time.
This is not so!
Instead, the illusion of time is an appearance (aka something that comes and goes) in Reality-Eternity-Now.


The mistake is to assume (mind) that there are multiple moments and only a tiny instant of present now. Yet seen correctly, there is only one single present Eternal moment – within which multiples of memories can be perceived by Mind.


Pure Perception is the Absolute, the I AM.
The objects appearing to Perception are Relative (not the absolute).
Objects (such as memories) are the relative, the mortal, the passing.


All psychological suffering comes from the mistaken belief that time is predominant.


Put first thing first – prioritize the present – to correct the equation and ALL IS WELL!


Eternity is unconditioned Looking,
Unconditioned Looking is Now,
Now is Reality,
Reality is Timelessness…


Looking from and as Eternal Pure Perception (at all objects), I (Pure Perception) know myself (as BEING) and thus remain timeless – Eternal.


Looking from and as the identified position of being an assumed body-mind-object, I appear to be time bound, an object that comes and goes – Mortal.


Without the erroneous identification with objects, I AM Eternity-Reality-Now-Timeless-Presence – Immortal.


Stop furnishing (or littering) NOW (the Eternal moment) with memory and Reality remains.


Once one has ‘seen through’ the illusion of time, objectivity is perceived as a relative reality or an effect of the obsession of the attention with OBJECTS, the MOTION thereof and the MEMORY thereof.


Then, only NOW remains – the Eternal Present.


Thus, the effects witnessed within the NOW, create the appearance of time or succession – due to the mind linking objective changes through memory.


Mind is TIME


Eternity is therefore interpreted by (small) Mind through its limited retrospective processing mechanics and broken down into an apparent interval or succession and this gives rise to the appearance time.
Mind overlooks that fact that Reality IS (only what IS NOW) and instead attributes more importance to what WAS (the remembered objects in its memory)


Time is thus an effect of the Mind, while BEING is Eternally Present….


Those perceiving from the ‘lower’ dimension can only see time, yet those perceiving from the ‘higher’ dimensions see both time and Eternal Now simultaneously without a paradox.


Hallelujah, I AM


  • by Roald Boom
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